Thursday, February 9, 2017

Casablanca (1943)

Short film summary from IMDB :
In World War II Casablanca, Rick Blaine, exiled American and former freedom fighter, runs the most popular nightspot in town. The cynical lone wolf Blaine comes into the possession of two valuable letters of transit. When Nazi Major Strasser arrives in Casablanca, the sycophantic police Captain Renault does what he can to please him, including detaining Czech underground leader Victor Laszlo. Much to Rick's surprise, Lazslo arrives with Ilsa, Rick's one time love. Rick is very bitter towards Ilsa, who ran out on him in Paris, but when he learns she had good reason to, they plan to run off together again using the letters of transit. Well, that was their original plan....
My Rebyu :
This film is listed in AFI 100 Films (2007) as the 3rd best. Am not really sold, after watching Mrs. Miniver (1942) just a day ago, which for me is better than Casablanca (but of course it's just me). Ingrid Bergman is so pretty but i dont like her character here, she is so married and why he falls for Humphrey Bogart is beyond me. Yes, her husband is in concentration camp but he is not dead, though she thought he might be. And I screen captured all the scenes where the lines "Here's looking at you kid" is spoken by Humphrey. Equally gorgeous man is Paul Henreid who played the character Victor Laszlo, wife of Ingrid. I might just give this movie a 7 rating and it's IMDB average is 8.6, well to each his own.
If you want to read more about this movie please click here.

**images are from IMDB, links are from wikipedia and screen captures are from the movie i downloaded online.


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