Rome & Vatican City has literally 0 distance between each other for the Papal State is enclosed within the limits of Rome.
Without considering Rome & Vatican City next closest neighboring capitals from Europe is between Bratislava & Vienna (54.88 KM). Slovakia capitals' closest neighbor is Vienna which is the same as well for Vienna (closest capital to her is Bratislava).
From Africa, Kinshasa & Brazzaville shared the common number 1 closest neighboring capital with each other with only 20.05 KM apart.
In Asia, Amman & Jerusalem is only 70.39 KM apart from each other and they are the closest neighboring capitals in this part of the world. While Manila, my country's capital is 1,163.03 KM away from Taipei, our closest neighboring capital.
Basseterre & St. Johns are 94.64 KM apart, which make them the closest neighboring capitals in their continent.
205.46 KM is the distance that separates Montevideo & Buenos Aires and that makes them the closest neighboring capitals from South America.
At 663.90 KM, Majuro & South Tarawa shares the common number 1 closest neighboring capitals with each other.
We can safely say and obviously enough that Oceania are more loosely arranged than any other continents.
My source is here.
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